Status: CompletedNetwork:One 31Studio:One 31Released: Jan 31, 2025Duration: 45 minSeason:Summer 2025Country:ThailandType: ThailandEpisodes: 14Censor: CensoredPosted by:khmerzoneReleased on:Updated on:
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Watch Trolorb Velea Kae Brae Moronak in Khmer Dubbed
Poised and soon-to-be bride Melanie’s life turns upside down when she drives through a tunnel with a "Time Distortion," causing her life clock to vanish for a whole year.
~~ Adapted from the novel "Time Mun Wela Tai" (Time หมุนเวลาตาย) by Amp Phakhinai Kasirak (ภาคินัย กสิรักษ์).